James Stanley

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Triangle strip encoding
Thu 22 June 2023
Triangle Strip Encoding is a method of encoding an arbitrary bitstream as a strip of triangles. I made it because I wanted an abstract-looking triangle pattern for a ring, but I wanted the triangles to mean something. Read more

Hiding messages in chess games
Tue 9 October 2018
I designed a steganography system that encodes data as a chess game. A convenient way to communicate chess games is PGN, but any means of communicating the moves of the game would work, as the information is encoded conceptually in the moves themselves, rather than taking advantage of any redundancy in the PGN format. Read more

How I cracked the Bitcoin keys in Andy Bauch's Lego artwork
Sat 24 March 2018
Yesterday I read an article about a series of art pieces created by Andy Bauch with $10,000 of cryptocurrency hidden in them. Each of the pieces is assembled out of lego bricks. Read more

Steganographic Bitcoin seeds: Hiding cash in plain sight
Wed 22 February 2017
I made a tool, stegoseed, to generate sentences which steganographically encode Bitcoin wallet seeds, and to decode such sentences to retrieve wallet seeds. It comes with an example BIP39 seed to play with. Read more

How to defeat naive image steganography
Wed 27 April 2016
As a teenager, I wrote a C program to do image steganography. It hid the secret image in the least significant bits of the cover image. I also made a PHP web interface to it, which now sees about 3,000 users per month. So I've made a better version, it gives previews of the input images, doesn't upload the images to my server (privacy, yo), and is faster. Read more