Collapse OS Documentation Browser


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Collapse OS usage guide

This usage guide begins with a Forth primer, but a complete
introduction to Forth is out of the scope of this document.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to read an introduction
to Forth before reading this below. "Starting Forth" be Leo
Brodie is a very good one.

If you don't have access to such documentation, you can try
yourself with the primer below, but it's likely to be a steep
learning curve.

First steps

Before you read this primer, let's try a few commands, just for

42 .

This will push the number 42 to the stack, then print the number
at the top of the stack.

4 2 + .

This pushes 4, then 2 to the stack, then adds the 2 numbers on
the top of the stack, then prints the result.

If you just type ".", you'll see "stack underflow" because the
"." word tries to fetch a number from the stack, which is empty.
You can inspect your stack with ".S".

42 $8000 C! $8000 C@ .

This writes the byte "42" at address $8000 ($ prefix is for hex
notation), and then reads back that byte from the same address
and print it.

Interpreter loop

Forth's main interpeter loop is very simple:

1. Read a word from input.
2. Is it a number literal? Put it on the stack.
3. No? Look it up in the dictionary.
4. Found? Execute.
5. Not found? Error.
6. Repeat


A word is a string of non-whitepace characters. We consider that
we're finished reading a word when we encounter a whitespace
after having read at least one non-whitespace character.

Character encoding

Collapse OS doesn't support any other encoding than 7bit ASCII.
A character smaller than $21 is considered a whitespace,
others are considered non-whitespace.

Characters above $7f have no special meaning and can be used in
words (if your system has glyphs for them).


Both () and \ comments are supported. The word "(" begins a
comments and ends it when it reads a ")" word. It needs to be a
word, that is, surrounded by whitespaces. "\" comments the rest
of the line.


Forth's dictionary link words to code or data. Unless you're
cross compiling (doc/cross), there is only one dictionary. On
boot, this dictionary contains the system's words (look in
doc/dict for a list of them), but you can define new words with
the ":" word. For example:

: FOO 42 . ;

defines a new word "FOO" with the code "42 ." linked to it. The
word ";" closes the definition. Once defined, a word can be
executed like any other word.

You can define a word that already exists. In that case, the new
definition will overshadow the old one. However, any word def-
ined *before* the overshadowing took place will still use the
old word.

: foo 42 . ;
: bar foo ;
: foo 43 . ;
foo \ prints 43
bar \ prints 42

You can get the address of a word with "'":

' foo
DUP .X \ prints an address
EXECUTE \ prints 43

You can "rewind" the dictionary with FORGET. This word "forgets"
the specified word along with all words following it:

bar \ error: word does not exist
foo \ prints 42

FORGETing a system word breaks the system.

Cell size and endian-ness

The cell size in Collapse OS is 16 bit, that is, each item in
stacks is 16 bit, @ and ! read and write 16 bit numbers.
Whenever we refer to a number, a pointer, we speak of 16 bit.

Endian-ness is arch-dependent and core words dealing with words
will read-write according to native endian-ness. On a z80,
"$8000 @" puts $8000 in LSB and $8001 in MSB, but on a 6809,
it's the opposite.

To read and write bytes, use C@ and C!.

Number literals

Traditional Forths often uses HEX/DEC switches to go from deci-
mal to hexadecimal parsing. Collapse OS has no such mode.

Straight numbers are decimals, numbers starting with "$" are
hexadecimals (example "$12ef"), char literals are single
characters surrounded by ' (example 'X'). Char literals can't be
used for whitespaces (conflicts with the concept of "word" as
defined above).


For simplicity purposes, numbers are generally considered
unsigned. For convenience, decimal parsing and formatting
support the "-" prefix, but under the hood, it's all unsigned.

This leads to some oddities. For example, "-1 0 <" is false.
To compare whether something is negative, use the "0<" word
which is the equivalent to "$7fff >".

Parameter Stack

Unlike most programming languages, Forth executes words
directly, without arguments. The Parameter Stack (PS) replaces
them. There is only one, and we're constantly pushing to and
popping from it. All the time.

For example, the word "+" pops the 2 numbers on the Top Of Stack
(TOS), adds them, then pushes back the result on the same stack.
It thus has the "stack signature" of "a b -- n". Every word in
a dictionary specifies that signature because stack balance, as
you can guess, is paramount. It's easy to get confused so you
need to know the stack signature of words you use very well.

Return Stack

There's a second stack, the Return Stack (RS), which is used to
keep track of execution, that is, to know where to go back after
we've executed a word. It is also used in other contexts, but
this is outside of the scope of this primer.

Conditional execution

Code can be executed conditionally with IF/ELSE/THEN. IF pops
PS and checks whether it's nonzero. If it is, it does nothing.
If it's zero, it jumps to the following ELSE or the following
THEN. Similarly, when ELSE is encountered in the context of a
nonzero IF, we jump to the following THEN.

Because IFs involve jumping, they only work inside word defin-
itions. You can't use IF directly in the interpreter loop.

Example usage:

: FOO IF 42 ELSE 43 THEN . ;
0 FOO \ prints 43
1 FOO \ prints 42


Loops work a bit like conditionals, and there's 3 forms:

BEGIN..AGAIN --> Loop forever
BEGIN..UNTIL --> Loop conditionally
X >R BEGIN..NEXT --> Loop X times

UNTIL works exactly like IF, but instead of jumping forward to
THEN, it jumps backward to BEGIN.

NEXT decreases RS' TOS by one and if zero isn't reached, jumps
backward to BEGIN.

Why not have a FOR which would be the equivalent of ">R BEGIN"?
Because in many cases, maybe even most, the order of arguments
in PS is such that it's more convenient to perform the ">R" a
little earlier. Doing so right before BEGIN results in needless
stack juggling. The lack of FOR makes all loops begin with
BEGIN, which helps overall readability.

You can use the word "LEAVE" to exit a NEXT loop early. When
used, it will finish the current loop and then stop looping when
NEXT is reached.

: foo 5 >R BEGIN R@ 3 = IF LEAVE THEN R@ . NEXT ;
foo \ prints 543

Exiting early

You can leave a word early with EXIT:

: foo 42 . EXIT 43 . ;
foo \ only 42 is printed

When you're inside a BEGIN..AGAIN or BEGIN..UNTIL, you can use
EXIT just fine, but if you're inside a NEXT loop, you have to
drop RS' TOS with R~ before calling EXIT or else you have a
messed up Return Stack and all hell breaks loose.

Memory access and HERE

We can read and write to arbitrary memory address with @ and !
(C@ and C! for bytes). For example, "1234 $8000 !" writes the
word 1234 to address $8000. We call the @ and ! actions
"fetch" and "store".

There's a 3rd kind of memory-related action: "," (write). This
action stores value on PS at a special "HERE" pointer and then
increases HERE by 2 (there's also "C," for bytes).

HERE is initialized at the first writable address in RAM, often
directly following the latest entry in the dictionary. Explain-
ing the "culture of HERE" is beyond the scope of this primer,
but know that it's a very important concept in Forth. For examp-
le, new word definitions are written to HERE.

Linking names to addresses

Accessing addresses only with numbers can become confusing, us
humans often need names associated to them. You can do so with
CREATE. This word creates a dictionary entry of the "cell" type.
This word, when called, will put its own address on the stack.
You are responsible for allocating a proper amount of memory to

For example, if you want to store a single 16-bit number, you
would do "CREATE foo 2 ALLOT". You can then do stuff like
"42 foo ! foo @ . ( prints 42 )"

Cells can store more than just a number, they can hold
structures and array. Simply ALLOT appropriately and then use
this memory as you wish.

Another way to link a name to an address is VALUE. The "VALUE"
word takes a value parameter and creates a special "value" type
word. This word type always allocates 2 bytes of memory and when
called, instead of spitting its address, spits the 16-bit value
at that address.

You can change the number associated with a VALUE with TO.

42 VALUE foo foo . ( prints 42 )
43 TO foo foo . ( prints 43 )

VALUEs make more readable code in cases where the value is more
often read than written. Also, reading it is faster (writing is
slower). Compactness is the same.

Multiple values can be declared at once with VALUES and CONSTS:

3 VALUES foo bar baz \ all values are 0
3 CONSTS 1 foo 2 bar 3 baz \ foo=1 bar=2 baz=3

The semantics of TO

The word "TO" as described above might seem a bit like magic
and requires further explanation. The mechanism through which
the call to the VALUE "foo", which normally reads the value
becomes a write is special.

TO does one very simple thing: it sets the "TO?" flag in SYSVARS
(see doc/impl). Then, the code that handles VALUE calls (which
is a core routine, see doc/impl) checks whether the flag is set.
If it's not, it's a regular read. If it is, it resets the flag
and does a write.

Because the TO? flag is global, the call to TO has to be very
close to its target, ideally adjacent. If you call other words
in between, the value of the TO? flag will mess things up and
transform reads into writes, writes into reads, hell freezes
over, cats and dogs living together. Be responsible with TO


DOER and DOES> allow to bind data and behavior together in a
space-efficient way. Those words are called "does words" and,
when created, behave a bit like a cell (a CREATE word): it
pushes its own address to PS. But then, instead of just
continuing along, it executes its DOES> instructions. Example:

: printer DOER , DOES> @ . ;
42 printer foo
43 printer bar
foo \ prints 42
bar \ prints 43

DOER creates a special "does" entry and DOES> tells the latest
DOER entry where to jump for its behavior. The instructions
following DOES> are not executed when the DOER is defined, only
when it's executed. This execution always happen in a context
where the DOER's address in on PS. This is why, in the example
above, we call "@" before ".".


So far, we've covered the "cute and cuddly" parts of the
language. However, that's not what makes Forth powerful. Forth
becomes mind-bending when we throw IMMEDIATE into the mix.

A word can be declared immediate thus:


That is, when the IMMEDIATE word is executed, it makes the
latest defined word immediate.

An immediate word, when used in a definition, is executed
immediately instead of being compiled. This seemingly simple
mechanism (and it *is* simple) has very wide implications.

For example, The words "(" and ")" are comment indicators. In
the definition:

: FOO 42 ( this is a comment ) . ;

The word "(" is read like any other word. What prevents us from
trying to compile "this" and generate an error because the word
doesn't exist? Because "(" is immediate. Then, that word reads
from input stream until a ")" is met, and then returns to word

Words like "IF" and "BEGIN" are all regular Forth words, but
their "power" come from the fact that they're immediate.

Starting Forth by Leo Brodie explains all of this in detail.
Read this if you can. If you can't, well, let this sink in for
a while, browse the dictionary (doc/dict) and try to understand
why this or that word is immediate. Good luck!

Memory map

Memory is filled by 4 main zones:

1. Boot binary: the binary that has to be present in memory at
   boot time. When it is, jump to the first address of this bin-
   ary to boot Collapse OS. This code is designed to be able to
   run from ROM: nothing is ever written there.
2. Work RAM: As much space as possible is given to this zone.
   This is where HERE begins.
3. SYSVARS: Hardcoded memory offsets where the core system
   stores its things. It's $60 bytes in size. If drivers need
   more memory, it's bigger. See doc/impl for details.
4. PS+RS: Typically around $100 bytes in size. Their implemen-
   tation is entirely arch-specific. Overflows aren't checked,
   PS underflows are checked through SCNT.

Unless there are arch-related constraints, these zones are
placed in that order (boot binary at addr 0, PSP at $ffff).

Strings and lines

Strings in Collapse OS are an array of characters in memory
associated with a byte length. There are no termination.

This length, when refering to that string in the different
string handling words, is usually passed around as a separate
argument in PS. It is common to see "sa sl", "sa" being the
string's address, "sl" being its length.

How that "sl" is encoded depends on the situation. For example,
the S" word, which writes the enclosed string and, at runtime,
yields "sa sl", is wrapped around a branch word (so that the
string isn't evaluated by forth) followed by 2 number literals.

When we refer to a "line", it's a string that is of size LNSZ,
a constant that is always 64. It corresponds to the size of the
input buffer and to the size of a line in a Block (16 lines per

Because those lines have a fixed length, we sometimes want to
know the length of the actual content in it (for example, to
EMIT it). When we do so, for example in LNLEN, we go through the
whole line and check when is that last visible character, that
is, the last one that is higher than $20 (space). That's where
our line ends.

We don't use any termination character for lines, it's too
messy.  Blocks might not have them, and when we want to display
lines in a visual mode (that is, always the full 64 characters
on the screen), we need complicated CR handling. It's simpler
to fill lines in blocks with spaces all the way.


Branching in Collapse OS is limited to 8-bit. This represents
64 word references (or a bit less if there are literals and
branches) forward or backward. While this might seem a bit tight
at first, having this limit saves us a non-negligible amount of
resource usage.

The reasoning behind this intentional limit is that huge
branches are generally an indicator that a logic ought to be
simplified. So here's one more constraint for you to help you
towards simplicity.

When you compile branches, if you go over that limit, you'll
get a "br ovfl" (branch overflow) error.

Interpreter and I/Os

Collapse OS' main I/O loop is line-based. INTERPRET calls WORD
which then iterates over the current "input buffer" (INBUF) for
characters to eat up. That input buffer is a 64 characters space
in SYSVARS where typed characters are buffered from KEY, but
that's not always the case.

During a LOAD, the input buffer pointer changes and points to
one of the 16 lines of the BLK buffer. WORD eats it up just the
same, but it ain't coming from KEY anymore. When the 16th line
is read, we come back to the regular program.

Back to KEY. It always yields a characters, which means it
blocks until it yields. It loops over KEY? which returns a
flag telling us whether a key is pressed, and if there is one,
the character itself.

KEY? is an alias which points to a driver implementing this
routine. It can also be overridden at runtime for nice tricks.
For example, if you want to control your computer from RS-232,
you can do "' RX<? 'KEY? !".

Interpreter output is unbuffered and only has EMIT. This word
can also be overriden, mostly as a companion to the *raison
d'etre* of your KEY? override.

Interpreting and compiling words

When the INTERPRET loop reads from INBUF, it separates its input
in words which yields chunks of characters.

Whenever we have a word, we begin by checking if it's a number
literal with PARSE. If yes, push it on the stack and get next
word. Otherwise, check if the word exists in the dictionary.
If yes, EXECUTE. Otherwise, it's a "word not found" error.

Compiling words with ":" follows the same logic, except that
instead of putting literals on the stack, it compiles them with
LITN and instead of executing words, it writes their address
down (except immediates, which are executed).

This "PARSE then FIND" order is the opposite of many traditional
Forths, which generally go the other way around. This is because
traditional forths often don't have hexadecimal prefixes for
their literals and the "PARSE then FIND" order would prevent the
creation of words like "face", "beef", cafe", etc. This is not
a problem we have in Collapse OS.

"PARSE then FIND" is faster because it saves us a dictionary
lookup when parsing a literal.

Word Not Found override

It's possible to override the "word not found" behavior and
instead execute some kind of "catch all" word. You do so through
the '(wnf) sysvars.

By default, this variable points to (wnf), which simply spits
out the "word not found" error. You can make this variable point
to any word with a ( -- ) signature.

To access the word currently being parsed, use CURWORD.

Native words

Native words are regular forth words wrapping binary executable

With the proper assembler loaded in memory, you can compile
words that directly execute native code. Here's a z80 example:


See doc/asm/intro for more details.


Sometimes, often for fulfilling protocols, we want to "plug" a
word into another, for example, we want FOO and BAR to mean the
same thing. Of course, you can do ": BAR FOO ;", but this
represents an annoying overhead, both in terms of speed and RS
space. In this case, you'll want to create an alias like this:


Which means "make BAR point to FOO". This generates a native
jump which is pretty much as low overhead as it can be.

Those aliases are read-only. Once created, they can't be
changed. If you want to use a word as an indirection, you need
to use execute like this:

: FOO ;
: BAR 'BAR EXECUTE ; \ BAR executes FOO
: BAZ ;

System aliases

Core words have 2 special aliases, which jump to an address
determined in their corresponding SYSVAR. These are EMIT and

Each of these system aliases have their corresponding "'" SYSVAR
address CONSTANT. You go through them to modify where the alias
jumps to. Example:

' RX<? 'KEY? !
' TX> 'EMIT !

System values

Most SYSVARS described in doc/impl have a constant corresponding
to their absolute address. For example, you get the value of
"NL" with "NL @" and set it with "NL !".

Some SYSVARS are very often used and necessitate faster access.
These SYSVARS are split in 2 words: the accessor and the
address. For example, we have HERE and 'HERE. HERE returns
HERE's value directly and 'HERE returns HERE's address.
Therefore, you get HERE with "HERE" and set it with "'HERE !".

The list of such SYSVARS is:


The A register

The A register is an out of stack temporary value that often
helps minimize stack juggling. Its location is arch-dependent,
but it's often in SYSVARS. On register-rich CPUs, it's a

Access to it is fast, but its downside is that words using it
must be careful not to use words that also use the A register.
doc/dict indicate such words with *A*.

Dealing with performance bottlenecks

Because Collapse OS runs on multiple CPUs, dealing with bottle-
necks is a bit tricky. We want to avoid, in arch-independant
application code (VE, ME, assemblers, emulators), to maintain
bottleneck words in all supported architectures.

The way we deal with this situation is by declaring bottleneck
words as "back-overridable" with the word ?: (instead of :).

This word creates a new word only if the specified name doesn't
already exist in the dictionary. With this, what you can do is
optionally load "speedup words" for your arch, and then load
your app. Your sped-up version will superseed the default, slow
version and your bottlenecks will be faster. Example:

\ My super app
?: slowstuff ( ... ) ;
: myapp ( ... ) slowstuff ( ... ) ;

\ My arch-specific speedup
CODE slowstuff ( ... ) ;CODE

If you load the app without loading speedups, "slowstuff" will
be slow, but will work under all arches. If you load your
speedups first, then the forth version of "slowstuff" will never
be created and "myapp" will refer to the fast "slowstuff"

Mass storage through disk blocks

Collapse OS can access mass storage through its BLK subsystem.
See doc/blk for more information.

It is through this subsystem that applications are loaded, so
you'll want to look at doc/blk on this subject too.

Useful little words

In Collapse OS, we try to include as few words as possible into
the cross-compiled core, making it minimally functional for
reaching its design goals.

However, in its source code, it has a section of what is called
"Useful little words" at B1-B9 and you'll probably want to load
some of them quite regularly because they make the system more


B3 provides the word "context" allowing multiple dictionaries to
exist concurrently. This allows you to develop applications
without having to worry too much about name clashes because
those names exist in separate namespaces.

A context is created with a name like this:

context foo \ creates context "foo"

When a context is created, it is "branched off" CURRENT as it
was at the moment the context was created.

To activate a context, call its name (in the case, "foo"). This
will do two things:

1. Save CURRENT in the previously active context.
2. Restore CURRENT to where it was the last time "foo" was
   active (or created).

Note that creating a context doesn't automatically activate it.

Code generation

The kernel has 2 words that generate native code and although
they're there as support for define words (:, VALUE, etc.), they
can be used for interesting thing.

These words are JMPi! CALLi! and have the same signature of
"n a -- len".

For example, let's say that you're debugging the kernel and want
to ruthlessly patch a word with another behavior you're trying
out. You could do:

' newword ' wordtopatch JMPi! DROP

And poof! wordtopatch is now an alias to newword.

Collapse OS and its documentation are created by Virgil Dupras and licensed under the GNU GPL v3.

This documentation browser by James Stanley. Please report bugs on github or to

This page generated at 2024-10-21 21:05:03 from documentation in CollapseOS snapshot 20230427.