The Grid subsystem
The grid subsystem at B240 supplies a set of words on top of
the Grid protocol (see "Grid Protocol" below) that facilitates
the development of programs presenting a complex text interface,
for example, the Visual Editor.
It creates the concept of a cursor, always being a some position
on screen. That position is in the variable XYPOS, which is a
simple integer following the same "pos" logic as in the Grid
It implements (emit), which sets the cell under the cursor to
the specified character, then moves the cursor right. If the
cursor is at the last column of the screen, it overflows to the
next line. If it's on the last line, it overflows to the first
Grid's (emit) handles $d by moving the cursor to the next line
and $8 by moving the cursor left.
AT-XY ( x y -- ) moves the cursor to the specified position. It
is equivalent to setting XYPOS directly, but uses separate X
and y numbers.
When the grid's cursor enters a new line, it clears its
contents through a repeated call to CELL!. That implementation
is in its world named NEWLN ( ln -- ). This word can be over-
ridden. If it exists when the grid subsystem is loaded, the ex-
isting NEWLN will be used.
At build time, the Grid subsystem needs 3 bytes of system me-
mory through the GRID_MEM constant. At run time, GRID$ needs to
be called to initialize the system.
Grid protocol
A grid is a device that shows as a grid of ASCII characters and
allows random access to it.
COLS -- n Number of columns in the device
LINES -- n Number of lines in the device
CELL! c pos -- Set character at pos
Optional (default implementation provided if arch doesn't):
NEWLN old -- new Go to a new line from old, into new.
CURSOR! new old -- Move cursor from old pos to new pos
CELLS! a pos u -- *A* Update u contiguous cells, starting
at pos, using characters starting at
address a.
FILLC! pos n c -- Fill n cells with character b as pos.
Words provided:
XYPOS! pos -- Set cursor position to pos.
AT-XY x y -- Like XYPOS!, but with separate x y.
STYPEC sa sl pos -- Like STYPE, but at specific position.
Much faster than AT-XY + STYPE.
CLRSCR -- Clears the screen and move cursor to 0.
"pos" is a simple number (y * cols) + x. For example, if we
have 40 columns per line, the position (x, y) (12, 10) is 412.
CELL! allows all possible values of "c", including ASCII control
characters. The driver implementation isn't expected to filter
them out. Many systems have glyphs for this ASCII range, so the
driver should just show that glyph.
NEWLN is called when we "enter" a new line, that is, when we
overflow from previous line or when $0d ( ASCII CR ) is emitted.
When this is called, the line being entered should be cleared
of its contents. If the video driver needs to scroll, now is the
time. The NEWLN implementation has to return the new current
line. Most of the time, it's old+1, but if you scroll, you might
want to return old+0.
If it's not defined, the default implementation simply wraps to
the first line when reaching the end of the screen.
CURSOR! is called whenever we change the cursor's position. If
not implemented, it will be a noop. It is never called with an
out of range "pos" (greater than COLS*LINES).
It is the driver's responsibility to preserve the contents under
the cursor. When CURSOR! is call, we expect "old" to be restored
to the character it was before the cursor came on it. Before
doing that, however, it should make sure that the contents
hasn't been overwritten by CELL!.
CELLS! is a speed optimization. With some hardware, it's much
faster to update in batch. If the driver implements this an the
application uses it properly, it results in big speed gains.
This page generated at 2025-03-09 21:05:02 from documentation in CollapseOS snapshot 20230427.