James Stanley

I wrote a semi-literate brainfuck compiler for CP/M

Tue 29 December 2020
Tagged: rc2014, software

Literate Programming is "a programming paradigm introduced by Donald Knuth in which a computer program is given an explanation of its logic in a natural language". It's something I've wanted to have a go at for a while but never got around to. Yesterday, for fun, I wrote a brainfuck compiler for the RC2014 and it seemed like a good fit for Literate Programming because it's short enough to get my feet wet but has enough detail that there is some interesting stuff to explain.

(I understand that typically special tooling is used to facilitate the natural language component. I instead opted to write the natural language component in the form of comments within the source file, and then translated the commented source file into this blog post. This is why I call it only "semi-literate".)

I found that it took longer to write the explanation than it took to write the program, so I probably won't be trying Literate Programming again any time soon, although I do admit that it resulted in better code than I would have settled for if I didn't have to justify myself.

The concatenation of the code blocks in this post constitutes a complete working C program. If for whatever reason you don't feel like copy-and-pasting all the code blocks together into a working program, you can get it in fully-commented C source form instead.

(Update 2020-01-02: Graham showed me the Wikipedia article describing the CP/M Zero page, and pointed out that the base address of the BDOS is available in address 0x0006. I have now updated the program on github so that it zeroes out all of the available memory up to the BDOS instead of only 30000 bytes. The text in this blog post is still the original version because updating it is a hassle).

The best reference for the Z80 instruction set that I'm aware of is the clrhome Z80 instruction set table. You might also benefit from reading the System Interface section of the CP/M manual.

Without further ado, I present:

A Semi-literate Brainfuck Compiler for CP/M

The compiler itself should be relatively portable, although the generated code squarely targets CP/M. I think it only generates 8080 code (a subset of Z80) but I have not tested it on anything other than a Z80.

Compile it within CP/M using the HI-TECH C Compiler:

Then you can compile a Brainfuck program:

And then you can execute the generated program written to E:HELLO.COM:

This is my first attempt at anything resembling literate programming. I hope you enjoy.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

We use a compile-time stack to store branch targets for loops.

1024 elements of stack space is quite generous, but we don't want the memory for anything else so it doesn't hurt.

#define STACKSZ 1024
unsigned int *stack; /* stack for loop branch targets   */
int sp;              /* index for next push on to stack */

30000 bytes of program memory is typical for Brainfuck interpreters.

The address space layout for the generated program will look like this:

0x00 - 0xffcode (unknown length)memory (30000 bytes)... gap ...unknown - 0xffff
Low storageTransient Program AreaCCPBDOSBIOS

I wanted to offer all of the available memory in the Transient Program Area, up to the start of the CCP, and while older versions of CP/M appeared to offer a BDOS call which would report the base address of the CCP, there is no such call available in CP/M 2.2 as far as I can tell, so we just stick with the standard 30K bytes.

There is no bounds-checking on memory accesses, so in principle the entire TPA is available to the generated program, but cells past 30000 will not be zeroed in the preamble.

#define MEMSZ 30000
FILE *src_fp; /* Program source code file pointer        */
int src_char; /* The next character read from the source */
int src_eof;  /* Set to 1 when EOF is reached            */
char *prog;    /* Generated code goes in here              */
int prog_size; /* The allocated size for the "prog" buffer */
int prog_idx;  /* The index for the next output byte       */

File I/O

The file is read 1 byte at a time by the tokeniser, so to "load" the source code we just open the specified file in src_fp, and set src_char/src_eof to indicate the current state.

void load(char *f) {
    src_fp = fopen(f, "r");
    if (!src_fp) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: can't read %s\n", f);
    src_char = -1;
    src_eof = 0;

To save the generated program, a single fwrite() call is sufficient.

The file is opened in "wb" (write, binary) mode so that CP/M will not insert 0x0d bytes before any 0x0a in the output file.

void save(char *f) {
    FILE *fp;
    int wrote;
    if (!(fp = fopen(f, "wb"))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: can't write %s\n", f);
    wrote = fwrite(prog, 1, prog_size, fp);
    if (wrote != prog_size) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to write full output (only wrote %d of %d bytes)\n", wrote, prog_size);

Code generation

Code generation is centred around emitting bytes into the output program. We do this by first resizing the prog buffer if necessary, and then sticking the new byte in it.

A '+' is output to the console every time the buffer is reallocated, as a basic progress indicator.

void emit(char c) {
    if (prog_idx >= prog_size) {
        prog_size += 128;
        prog = realloc(prog, prog_size);
    prog[prog_idx++] = c;

The preamble goes at the very start of our generated program. It first zeroes out 30K bytes of RAM starting at the end of the generated code, and then initialises the memory pointer (stored in the hl register pair) to point to the start of this block of 30K bytes.

We can't yet generate bytes for $prog_size because we don't know how large the program will end up being, so we emit 0s for now, which will be corrected later.

void emit_preamble() {
    emit(0x21); emit(0); emit(0);                 /* ld hl, $prog_size */
    emit(0x11); emit(MEMSZ&0xff); emit(MEMSZ>>8); /* ld de, $MEMSZ     */
    emit(0x36); emit(0);                          /* loop: ld (hl), 0  */
    emit(0x23);                                   /* inc hl            */
    emit(0x1b);                                   /* dec de            */
    emit(0x7a);                                   /* ld a, d           */
    emit(0xb3);                                   /* or e              */
    emit(0xc2); emit(6); emit(1);                 /* jp nz, loop       */
    emit(0x21); emit(0); emit(0);                 /* ld hl, $prog_size */

The postamble goes at the very end of our generated program. All it does is jump to address 0 which returns control to the CCP.

Having written the "jp 0" instruction, we can now patch in the correct values for $prog_size in the preamble.

The high byte of $prog_size (second byte because the Z80 is little-endian) gets 1 added to it because the program will be loaded into address 0x100, which means all addresses are 0x100 larger than their corresponding index in prog[]. We'll see this again later when generating branch target addresses for loops.

void emit_postamble() {
    emit(0xc3); emit(0); emit(0); /* jp 0 */
    prog[1] = prog_size&0xff;
    prog[2] = 1+(prog_size>>8);
    prog[16] = prog_size&0xff;
    prog[17] = 1+(prog_size>>8);

We use BDOS call number 1 to request a byte of input from the console. This blocks until a byte is available.

The BDOS call is made by putting the number 1 in register c and calling address 5. We push the hl register pair before, and pop it after, the BDOS call because it gets clobbered by the BDOS.

The BDOS returns the input character in register a.

In the event that we received a '\r', we throw it away and ask for another byte, because CP/M gives us '\r\n' line endings and Brainfuck expects just '\n'.

void emit_input() {
    emit(0x0e); emit(1);          /* ld c, 1           */
    emit(0xe5);                   /* push hl           */
    emit(0xcd); emit(5); emit(0); /* call 5            */
    emit(0xe1);                   /* pop hl            */
    emit(0xfe); emit('\r');       /* cp '\r'           */
    emit(0x20); emit(9);          /* jr nz, label      */
    emit(0x0e); emit(1);          /* ld c, 1           */
    emit(0xe5);                   /* push hl           */
    emit(0xcd); emit(5); emit(0); /* call 5            */
    emit(0xe1);                   /* pop hl            */
    emit(0x77);                   /* label: ld (hl), a */

We use BDOS call number 2 to write a byte to the console.

To make the BDOS call we put number 2 in register c and the byte to write in register e and then call address 5. Again we push hl before, and pop it after, the BDOS call because it gets clobbered.

In the event that the program tries to write a '\n', we make sure to first write a '\r' so that the carriage is returned to the start of the line.

void emit_output() {
    emit(0x7e);                   /* ld a, (hl)        */
    emit(0xfe); emit('\n');       /* cp '\n'           */
    emit(0x20); emit(9);          /* jr nz, label      */
    emit(0x1e); emit('\r');       /* ld e, '\r'        */
    emit(0x0e); emit(2);          /* ld c, 2           */
    emit(0xe5);                   /* push hl           */
    emit(0xcd); emit(5); emit(0); /* call 5            */
    emit(0xe1);                   /* pop hl            */
    emit(0x5e);                   /* label: ld e, (hl) */
    emit(0x0e); emit(2);          /* ld c, 2           */
    emit(0xe5);                   /* push hl           */
    emit(0xcd); emit(5); emit(0); /* call 5            */
    emit(0xe1);                   /* pop hl            */

"+" and "-" are implemented in terms of emit_add().

We support changing the value of the cell by more than 1 at a time in the interest of efficiency, although empirically this does not make as much of an impact as I had hoped.

As a micro-optimisation, we revert to "inc (hl)" and "dec (hl)" when only changing the value by 1, because these execute in 11 clock cycles, compared to the 21 cycles required for arbitrary addition.

void emit_add(unsigned char n) {
    if (n == 1) {
        emit(0x34);          /* inc (hl)   */
    } else if (n == 0xff) {
        emit(0x35);          /* dec (hl)   */
    } else if (n != 0) {
        emit(0x7e);          /* ld a, (hl) */
        emit(0xc6); emit(n); /* add a, $n  */
        emit(0x77);          /* ld (hl), a */

">" and "<" are implemented in terms of emit_right().

Again we support changing the memory pointer by more than 1 at a time.

As a micro-optimisation, we revert to "inc hl" and "dec hl" when changing the value by 3 or less because these execute in only 6 clock cycles, compared to 21 cycles for arbitrary changes.

void emit_right(int n) {
    if (n >= -3 && n < 0) {
        while (n++) emit(0x2b);               /* dec hl     */
    } else if (n <= 3 && n > 0) {
        while (n--) emit(0x23);               /* inc hl     */
    } else if (n != 0) {
        emit(0x01); emit(n&0xff); emit(n>>8); /* ld bc, $n  */
        emit(0x09);                           /* add hl, bc */

"[": When entering a loop we push the current output location onto the stack before emitting the loop start code.

"or a" is used to set the condition flags based on the contents of the a register.

We can't set the branch target address because we don't know it yet. This will be filled in when the code for the matching "]" is generated.

void emit_loopstart() {
    stack[sp++] = prog_idx;
    if (sp >= STACKSZ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: stack overflow\n");
    emit(0x7e);                   /* ld a, (hl)    */
    emit(0xb7);                   /* or a          */
    emit(0xca); emit(0); emit(0); /* jp z, $target */

"]": Pop the address of the matching "[" off the stack and generate code to jump there.

Modify the loop start code to set the correct branch target address for when the loop exits.

Notice that all of the branch targets have 1 added to their (little-endian) high byte. This is because the code is loaded at 0x100 when executing.

void emit_loopend() {
    int target;
    if (sp <= 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: stack undeflow\n");
    target = stack[--sp];
    emit(0xc3); emit(target&0xff); emit(1+(target>>8)); /* jp $target */ 
    prog[target+3] = prog_idx&0xff;
    prog[target+4] = 1+(prog_idx>>8);


peek() returns the next byte from the source file, reading it using fgetc() if necessary.

This is the only place that actually touches the file, and is also what sets src_eof when EOF is encountered.

int peek() {
    if (src_char == -1) {
        src_char = fgetc(src_fp);
        if (src_char == EOF) src_eof = 1;
    return src_char;

To throw away the next byte from the file we just set src_char = -1 so that peek() gives us the next byte next time.

void discard() {
    src_char = -1;

Check whether the next byte from the file is any one of the bytes in the "s" string. It is used to tell when the next byte is not a Brainfuck character so that it can be skipped over.

int peek_oneof(char *s) {
    for (; *s; s++)
        if (peek() == *s)
            return 1;
    return 0;

Check if the next character is as specified, and if so consume it from the input and return 1.

int consume(char c) {
    if (peek() == c) {
        return 1;
    return 0;


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int nright, i;
    unsigned char nadd;
    char *output_name;
    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: BFC FOO.BF\n");

Let's generate the output filename.

In the worst case (argv[1] has no dot in it), we need to add 4 bytes to its length (".COM") plus a trailing nul byte.

    output_name = malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 5);
    strcpy(output_name, argv[1]);

Now find the final '.' in the filename (if any) and change the extension to ".COM".

On CP/M there can only be one '.' character, but it doesn't hurt to stay portable.

    for (i = strlen(output_name)-1; i>0 && output_name[i]!='.'; i--);
    if (i)
        output_name[i] = '\0';
    strcat(output_name, ".COM");

Allocate the stack, load the source file, and emit the preamble code.

    stack = malloc(sizeof(int) * STACKSZ);

Loop until we've reached EOF on the source code file.

    while (!src_eof) {
        /* We count the number of consecutive "+" or "-" operators and
           emit_add() accordingly.
           emit_add() generates no code when nadd == 0. */
        nadd = 0;
        while (consume('+')) nadd++;
        while (consume('-')) nadd--;
        /* Similarly, we count the number of consecutive ">" or "<" operators
           and emit_right() accordingly.
           emit_right() also generates no code when nright == 0. */
        nright = 0;
        while (consume('>')) nright++;
        while (consume('<')) nright--;
        /* Other operators are more straightforward. */
        if (consume('.')) emit_output();
        if (consume(',')) emit_input();
        if (consume('[')) emit_loopstart();
        if (consume(']')) emit_loopend();
        /* Finally we skip over any non-Brainfuck characters that happen to be
           present in the program source code. */
        while (!src_eof && !peek_oneof("+-><.,[]"))

Emit the postamble code, save the generated code to the output file, and print a '\n' to terminate the "++++++++++" on the console.


All done, great success.

    return 0;

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