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Last modified: 2024-04-10 21:21:26

< 2024-04-08 2024-04-11 >

Neural net images

The neural net seems to be working OK, although it is taking a long time to train.

It's been running continuously for about 48 hours and this is what it has for jes-to-Feynman:

That's after 674 rounds of training.

Unfortunately I was only saving out the endpoints and a few midpoints, so I can't make a very convincing animation.

Next step is to modify the program to save out the neural net state, so that I can run it for a few more days, and then when it is looking good enough I can use the saved out neural net to generate lots of animations.

OK, I have some good first results already:

There is a "jump" where it gets to my face, this is at z=0, so perhaps I should make it not pass through 0, say from 1 to 2? Or make 0 the midpoint and it goes from -1 to 1?

< 2024-04-08 2024-04-11 >