Last modified: 2024-02-03 14:58:03
< 2024-01-31 2024-02-04 >I went to fit the new lambda sensors to the car but gave up before really starting. They're quite hard to access, especially without the special socket. I would have liked to take the heat shield off, but the screws holding it on are so corroded that they're obviously just going to snap. I think best just to leave as is and scrap it if it fails the MOT.
I did finally tidy the garage up though, so that's good. Next step on the watch project is putting the escape wheel on a shaft, making a bridge to hold the shaft, and then seeing if it meshes with the balance wheel properly.
I've requested to return the lambda sensors, and also put the old fuel pump up for sale now I know it was not the problem.
I made a drawing of the escape wheel shaft:
Plan is to make this tomorrow if there's time.
From looking at it, my guess is there is not enough clearance between the escape wheel impulse teeth and the bridge. But we'll find out eventually.
< 2024-01-31 2024-02-04 >