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Last modified: 2023-12-09 17:39:32

< 2023-12-07 2023-12-09 >

Odd jobs

I've tidied up the office a bit ready to switch focus back to the watch project. I'm satisfied that the stepper motor clocks are working so far. I've put the rail up in Lucy's room.

Made the plant pot crate:


Proceeding with the regex library, I think the next step is to make it work on my regex-based day 2 solution, which I think means it needs to stop leaking so much memory.

Sorted that, but the regex for counting the numbers had to be \\s*[,;]?\\s*(\\d+) (red|green|blue) because regexes are always anchored at the start. So let's address that next. Firstly, unanchored regexes need to match anywhere (an implict .* at the start, but without adjusting recap(0)), but also I want to support optional anchoring.

< 2023-12-07 2023-12-09 >