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../ img/ acia.txt intro.txt

Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapters

The RC2014's Serial I/O module and the Dual Serial module
(using Zilog's SIO) both have an important shortcoming: they
hard-wire CTS to ground. Considering that these modules' main
purpose are to communicate with a modern machine through a USB-
to-TTL dongle, this hard-wiring make sense: a modern machine
have plenty of power to take whatever is coming on a 115200
bauds channel.

However, this becomes problematic when communicating with the
RC2014 through an underpowered machine running Collapse OS:
RTS/CTS flow control doesn't work.

For this reason, I recommend that you build your own ACIA
module. A schematic for it is in img/acia.jpg. This module is
exactly the same as the "official" Serial I/O module, with two

1. Wire CTS properly
2. Add a '393 counter to allow for lower baud rates.

This design with the '393 has an important limitation: you can't
easily fine-select your baud rate. For example, dividing by 12
(for 9600 bauds) is not straightforward with a '393. However,
because the '393 is a dual 4-bit counter, it can divide more.

You might want to replace the '393 with a '161 with preset if
you want to divide by a more specific number.

Collapse OS and its documentation are created by Virgil Dupras and licensed under the GNU GPL v3.

This documentation browser by James Stanley. Please report bugs on github or to

This page generated at 2025-03-09 21:05:02 from documentation in CollapseOS snapshot 20230427.