Dan's Z80 Single Board Computer
This single board computer is a project created by Daniel Marks
that can be found on the github respository:
A copy of its schematic is in img/dan.pdf
It is based on Grant Searle's CP/M Z80SBC and is intended to use
components that should be available, along with the Z80, long
into the future. Exotic parts such as uncommon LSTTL (e.g.
LSTTL670) are eschewed here. The parts needed are:
1. 1 X Z84C00 (7.3728 MHz, 6 MHz may be overclocked, or 8 to 20
MHz versions)
2. 1 X Z80 DART or SIO/2. The SIO/0 or SIO/1 can be adapted as
well, however, the pinouts for the DART and SIO/2 are shown.
3. 1 X 82C55 peripheral interface. An extremely common general
purpose IO chip used in the IBM PC as well as countless ISA
adapter cards.
4. 3 X 74HCT32/74LS32 or gates (probably 74HC32 would work in a
pinch with other CMOS derivative parts)
5. 2 X 74HC00
6. 1 X 74LS138/74HCT138
7. 1 X HM628128 or AS6C1008 128k X 8 static RAM. A 62256 (32k X
8) could be adapted as well if the lower part of memory is
set to $8000.
8. 1 X 28C256 32k X 8 flash ROM. 27256 ROMs may be available as
scrap BIOS chips from old PCs or ISA cards as well, but if
its UV erase you may have to get creative.
9. 1 X 74HC595 serial in, parallel out shift register
10. 1 X 74HC165 parallel in, serial out shift register
11. 1 X 74HC393 ripple counter
12. 1 X MAX232 for logic level to RS232 conversion
At boot time, the 28C256 ROM is mapped as well as 32k/48k of the
RAM. When the IO address $38 is written to, the ROM is mapped
out and the entire memory address space is 64k RAM. The device
includes two serial ports, a SPI port for supporting two SD
cards and other SPI hardware, a CompactFlash port, a composite
video output port, and a PS/2 keyboard input.
The IO map is:
$00-$03 SIO/DART
$10-$17 CompactFlash port
$18-$1B 8255 Port
$20 SPI input/output
$38 Disable ROM
There is a PS/2 keyboard port with the clock line of the PS/2
keyboard wired to the SYNCA/RIA input of the SIO/DART. An
interrupt is triggered on the falling edge of the PS/2 clock
line, and an interrupt routine assembles input byte codes from
the keyboard to be passed to the operating system. The PS/2 data
line is wired to PC7 on the 8255.
The SPI input/output circuit operates simply by writing a byte
to port $20, and reading the input byte also from port $20. The
chip select lines for the SD cards are PC0 and PC1 on the 8255.
The SPI may be clocked either by the CPU clock or by a second
clock, for example, at 16 MHz. The SPI circuit is also used to
implement the software composite video output. If it is used for
video, the processor and SPI must both be clocked at 7.3728 MHz.
Other pins on the 8255 are left uncommitted and may be used, for
example, to implement a ROM programmer or interface to other
external hardware.
A makeshift composite video output is implemented through
software on the Z80. The MOSI pin of the SPI (74HC165) shifts
out pixel data, and the PC3 pin on the 8255 is used to generate
the SYNC signal. The interface to the video is extremely simple
being just a couple of resistors. The output video is monochrome
NTSC format with 262 lines per frame, 60 frames per second, with
246 lines of picture and 16 lines of vertical blanking at a
horizontal scan rate of 15.752 kHz. Because the Z80 is used to
scan the video, the video scanning stops whenever the Z80 has to
do work. This is like the Sinclair ZX80/ZX81 of old, but like
that computer, this video is generated with minimal hardware.
The video output is set up to show the video whenever the
operating system is waiting for a key to be input.
The operating system may also be configured to use the serial
port as the terminal. SIO/DART port B is the port wired to the
logic level converter. If connecting to a PC, a null modem
adapter is needed. SIO/DART port A may be used with a
conventional TTL USB serial adapter. The serial port parameters
are 115200 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. There are jumpers
so that CTSA and CTSB may be hardwired to ground or can be
controlled through the serial port.
Jumpers JP6 and JP7 control the mapping of the flash memory. If
JP6 is set to the 32k setting and JP7 is set to the lower 16k
setting, the entire of the 32k is mapped to $0000-$7fff on
startup. If JP6 is set to the 16k setting, then if JP7 is set to
the lower 16k setting, the lower 16k is mapped to $0000-$3fff,
otherwise the upper 16k is mapped to $0000-$3fff. This enables
two different ROMS to be swapped out, for example, a
conventional loader bios could be placed in the low 16k
($0000-$3fff in the 28C256), and Collapse OS in the upper 16k
($4000-$7fff on the 28C256), and these two may be switched
between with a jumper.
I used a TL866II to write the 28C256 ROM. I may work on a ROM
writer that can use the 8255 itself to write another 28C256,
thus enabling a CollapseOS ROM to write another CollapseOS ROM.
This will probably require a couple of 74HC595s to be externally
wired to provide address lines to the ROM.
Configuring Collapse OS
When configuring Collapse OS, the xcomp.fs file has a few parts
that need to be changed to reconfigure the kernel.
VID_WDTH is number of bytes across per scan line (24 is the
VID_SCN is number of display scan lines (246 for full NTSC,
123 for doubled lines)
VID_VBL is number of vertical blanking interval lines
VID_LN is number of lines to report to the GRID driver
If memory is constrained, then the scan lines can be doubled,
and the number of bytes across the scan line may be reduced to a
minimum of 24, so the minimum frame buffer size is 123 X 24 =
2952 bytes. As given the frame buffer size is 246 X 66 = 16236
There are 2 (vidfr) implementations, a single and a double.
LOAD the proper blocks in your xcomp unit.
An example configuration lives in /arch/z80/dan.
This page generated at 2025-03-09 21:05:02 from documentation in CollapseOS snapshot 20230427.