Apple II's system monitor
The monitor allows peeking and poking memory in a manner that is
much more convenient than with BASIC, in hexadecimal notation.
A complete reference is in "Apple IIe Reference Manual". This is
a quick reference.
When inside BASIC, we enter the monitor with "CALL -151". We
then get a "*" prompt.
Typing an address reads that byte:
1DFC- 2A
We can fetch a range:
1DFC- 2A 2B 2C 2D
1E00- 2E
We can set memory:
*1DFC:01 02 03
1DFC- 01 02 03 2D
1E00- 2E
We can "continue" setting memory, omitting address:
*1DFC:04 05 06
*:07 08
1DFC- 04 05 06 07
1E00- 08
You can disassemble memory with "L" (for LIST):
(20 lines of disassembled memory)
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